Sold Out. Sorry, we are sold out of our heather honey. We hope to have some summer honey available soon.
Shipping available within the island of Ireland only.
This heather honey is from our own beehives here in Camus in Connemara and last year it featured in a BBC Travel article which can be viewed here https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20221128-a-quintessentially-irish-way-to-travel
Heather honey is a premium honey with a unique flavour which has been described as tangy, pungent, smoky & mildly sweet that leaves a long aftertaste ensuring that once tasted is never forgotten. It has a strong distinctive woody, warm, floral, fresh fruit aroma reminiscent of heather flowers.
Research carried out by Dublin City University & Trinity College Dublin showed that there was a similar overall presence of powerful antioxidants called phenolic compounds in Irish heather honey as in Manuka honey. These antioxidant compounds help to prevent damage occurring in the cells of the body and are important for health and well-being. https://www.dcu.ie/news/news/2018/08/irish-heather-honey-buzzing-with-health-benefits-comparable-with-manuka-honey-0
The three common types of heather in Ireland are Cross Leaved Heather, Bell heather & Ling Heather. They all produce nectar however the best quality heather honey comes from nectar collected from the Ling Heather plant and is considered by many to be the only true heather honey. Luckily for us there is an abundance of Ling Heather growing in the bog areas around us here in Camus. This year the conditions were right to allow the bees to collect it in large quantities while there were very few other plants flowering at the same time for the bees to forage which would have diluted the percentage of heather in the final honey.
Heather honey is thixotropic which means it is a thicker honey and has a gel like consistency but will become temporarily liquid if stirred or agitated. As you will see from this photo another characteristic of heather honey is that it contains lots of tiny air bubbles that remain trapped in the honey.
Approx: 260g